Our fearless leader, Dorathy Gass, has published three books, with more coming! Below are the links for purchase.=
The Writer’s Life: A Guide To Launching Your Freelance Writing Business

Available in both e-book and paperback format, readers learn the pros and cons of freelance writing; how to launch a successful freelance writing business; how to land your first client, and sustain a constant workflow.
CANADIAN readers, purchase here via Amazon.
AMERICAN readers, purchase here via Amazon.
In God’s Hands: A Collection Of Stories Glorifying The Lord’s Work In Our Lives

In God’s Hands is a collection of stories about real people who have had incredible experiences with the Holy Spirit. Whether it’s prayers answered at the right moment or an inner voice telling them to do something, In God’s Hands proves the amazing work our Lord does in our daily lives.
CANADIAN readers, purchase here via Amazon.
AMERICAN readers, purchase here via Amazon.
NEW! NEW! NEW! The Devil Is A Liar: A Devotional For Christian Youth

God’s word never fails. “The Devil Is A Liar” is a devotional for Christian youth to help them through the ups and downs of life. The book is categorized into chapters, which focus on some major issues that tweens, teens, and young adults face in today’s world; providing Bible scripture to inspire and guide readers through difficult times. There’s also a “notes” section after each chapter that offers a space for readers to reflect on what they’ve read, and relate to their own circumstances.
This book is perfect for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, graduation, or “just because”.
CANADIAN readers, purchase here via Amazon.
AMERICAN readers, purchase here via Amazon.
ARE YOU interesting in creating and self-publishing your own story? Maybe you’re interested in creating an e-book for brand marketing purposes? Either way, contact Metamorphosis Writing Services, today! We can help you with your self-publishing goals!